27 October 2016 Business PR Musings

Top Tips: How to Get Startup PR Value on a Budget

Effective startup PR is like a pair of shoes, one size definitely does not fit all. Whilst you may want the world to know about your new product or service, the reality is that you will have a finite budget with which to work and that will dictate the size and scale of your campaign. A smaller budget, however, doesn’t have lower quality. Here’s how to get startup PR value on a budget.

A targeted approach – Short, sharp and direct PR projects can be a great way to meet small business goals.  Instead of long periods of activity reaching broad audiences, shorter campaigns can be used for Beta product testing or to get media validation for a new product or service.

For example, BringIt, a food delivery app currently launching in specific areas around London needed hyper-local marketing support. By working with highly targeted local media and bloggers, they have associated their app with local sites and services, created local content for search and stimulated awareness amongst local businesses.


Fit to market – Scaling too fast, too soon, is the number one reason most new companies fail. Deciding to spend your resources on marketing and PR when your product isn’t ready is a waste. Whilst you may want to be ready for launch, truly consider if you are fit to market.  It might make more sense to invest your early marketing budget in strong messaging, a well optimised and conversion ready site and good content, before you focus on mass communications.

Results – A startup has very different short-term objectives to an already established business. For example, if you want to validate your product in the market or clearly define your key messages, a tailored PR campaign strictly focused on a small group of influential people can deliver the results your company needs to get the industry or investor attention you might be looking for.

If you are a startup looking for early stage PR and communications support check out our startup division Little Bear. Little Bear which offers a range of packages and plans that suit startups perfectly.



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