16 December 2015 Digital PR Musings Trends

Top Vlog Hacks: To Vlog or Blog?

We recently revamped our blog and our shiny new look got us thinking about whether we should start our very own vlog. “Video is the way forward,” cried the tech team! “Creative writing is a skill” cried the consumer team. The truth is that both have a place but it’s a good debate so we thought we’d dig in, here are our top vlog hacks!

A few factors come into play when thinking about which is more effective. Most importantly, how best can you engage the audience you’re looking to reach? Is your target customer more likely to read a blog or watch a video? The truth is that nowadays, videos are easy to upload, easy to view – even on mobile – and best of all they show people and personality in a way that words never can. Round 1 to the vlog.

You should also consider your strengths. If you enjoy expressing yourself through the written word and have an engaging style then yes, a blog may be better. Blogs are good for search traffic and the content you create can be used elsewhere for your own marketing. Yet blogs can become tedious. Post after post, it can be difficult to come up with enough new content to make something substantive or fresh. Then there’s the dreaded spelling and grammatical errors. We know that one person’s comma is another person’s full stop. Vlogging suffers from none of these drawbacks. Round 2 to the vlog.

It’s also essential to think about time constraints. A blog is easy to set up. It’s also easy to update wherever you are in the world, and you don’t need to write War and Peace to make something that’s interesting for the reader.  A vlog takes longer. You need to film, edit and upload. The editing process can be lengthy and you need to know your software to produce a good product. Most vlogs take at least 2-3 hours to edit, can you afford the time? Let’s face it, blogging is more flexible. Round 3 to the blog.

Also consider the budget. As long as you have a way to get online a blog is free to build and easy to upload. Vlogging is a different beast altogether. Many full time vloggers agree that equipment is key to creating the best possible video. From microphones to cameras, hard drives to editing software, you need the right products to create a video that keeps your followers returning for more. Round 4 to the blog.

So it’s neck and neck but one fact remains, millennials prefer video and the technologists know this. As technology makes videos easier to make and to view, and as new audiences develop into the decision makers of tomorrow, vlogging, whether you’re a brand, a business, a product owner or a service supplier, is a must. So that’s why next year, we’re starting our own vlog to see how the other half live. In the meantime, we’ve rounded up a few of our favourites. These guys really know what they’re doing.

Tech & gaming: Geekanoids 

Food: Sorted Food

Fashion: Fleur De Force

Retail: Appear Here

Homes & Interiors: Made

If you wanted to find out more about us at Cherish, check out our approach or drop us an email on info@cherishpr.com.

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